Python except 关键字Python 关键字实例如果语句引发错误,则打印 "Something went wrong":try: x > 3except: print("Something went wrong")完整实例:# (x > 3) will raise
Python else 关键字Python 关键字实例如果 x 大于 5 则打印 "YES",否则打印 "NO":x = 3if x > 5: print("YES")else: print("NO")完整实例:x = 3if x > 5: print("YES")else
Python elif 关键字Python 关键字实例如果变量 i 是争执,则打印 "YES",如果 i 是 0 则打印 "WHATEVER",否则打印 "NO":for i in range(-5, 5): if i > 0: print("YES") eli
Python del 关键字Python 关键字实例删除对象:class MyClass: name = "John"del myClassprint(myClass)完整实例:class MyClass: name = "Bill"del MyClassprint(MyClass)定
Python def 关键字Python 关键字实例创建并执行函数:def my_function(): print("Hello from a function")my_function()完整实例:def my_function(): print("Hello from a fu
Python continue 关键字Python 关键字实例如果变量 i 为 5,则跳过迭代,但继续进行下一个迭代:for i in range(9): if i == 5: continue print(i)完整实例:for i in range(9
Python class 关键字Python 关键字实例创建名为 "Person" 的类:class Person: name = "Bill" age = 63完整实例:class Person: name = "Bill" age = 63print(
Python break 关键字Python 关键字实例如果 i 大于 5,则结束循环:for i in range(9): if i > 5: break print(i)完整实例:for i in range(9): if i > 5: break print
Python assert 关键字Python 关键字实例测试条件是否返回 True:x = "hello"# 如果条件返回True,则什么也不会发生:assert x == "hello"#如果条件返回 False,则会引发 AssertionE
Python as 关键字Python 关键字实例引用日历模块 c:import calendar as cprint(c.month_name[1])完整实例:import calendar as cprint(c.month_name[1])定义和用法as 关键字用
Python and 关键字Python 关键字实例如果两条语句均为 True,则返回 Return:x = (5 > 3 and 5 < 10)print(x)完整实例:x = (5 > 3 and 5 < 10)print(x)定义和用法and 关键字是逻
Python 文件 writelines() 方法Python 文件方法实例以 "a" 打开文件行附加,然后添加文本列表来附加到该文件:f = open("demofile3.txt", "a")f.writelines(["See you soon!",
Python 文件 write() 方法Python 文件方法实例以 "a" 打开文件进行追加,然后向该文件添加一些文本:f = open("demofile2.txt", "a")f.write("See you soon!")f.close()#open a
Python 文件 writable() 方法Python 文件方法实例检查文件是否可写:f = open("demofile.txt", "a")print(f.writable())完整实例:f = open("demofile.txt", "a")print(f.writa
Python 文件 truncate() 方法Python 文件方法实例以 "a" 打开文件进行追加,然后将文件截断为 20 个字节:f = open("demofile2.txt", "a")f.truncate(20)f.close()#open and re