Python 字符串 rstrip() 方法Python 字符串方法实例删除字符串右边的空格:txt = " banana "x = txt.rstrip()print("of all fruits", x, "is my favorite")完整实例:t
Python 字符串 rsplit() 方法Python 字符串方法实例使用后跟空格的逗号作为分隔符,将字符串拆分为列表:txt = "apple, banana, cherry"x = txt.rsplit(", ")print(x)完整实例:t
Python 字符串 rpartition() 方法Python 字符串方法实例搜索单词 "bananas" 的最后一次出现,并返回包含三个元素的元组: 1 - “匹配”之前的所有内容 2 - “匹
Python 字符串 rjust() 方法Python 字符串方法实例返回单词 "banana" 的 20 个字符长的右对齐版本:txt = "banana"x = txt.rjust(20)print(x, "is my favorite fruit.")完整
Python 字符串 rindex() 方法Python 字符串方法实例文本中最后一次出现字符串 "China" 的位置:txt = "China is a great country. I love China."x = txt.rindex("casa")prin
Python 字符串 rfind() 方法Python 字符串方法实例文本中最后一次出现字符串 "China" 的位置:txt = "China is a great country. I love China."x = txt.rfind("casa")print(
Python 字符串 replace() 方法Python 字符串方法实例替换单词 "bananas":txt = "I like bananas"x = txt.replace("bananas", "apples")print(x)完整实例:txt = "I like banan
Python 字符串 partition() 方法Python 字符串方法实例搜索单词 "bananas",并返回包含三个元素的元组: 1 - “匹配”之前的所有内容 2 - “匹配” 3 - &l
Python 字符串 lstrip() 方法Python 字符串方法实例删除字符串左侧的空格:txt = " banana "x = txt.lstrip()print("of all fruits", x, "is my favorite")完整实例:t
Python 字符串 lower() 方法Python 字符串方法实例小写字符串:txt = "Hello my FRIENDS"x = txt.lower()print(x)完整实例:txt = "Hello my FRIENDS"x = txt.lower()print(x)
Python 字符串 ljust() 方法Python 字符串方法实例返回 20 个字符长的 "banana" 一词的左对齐版本:txt = "banana"x = txt.ljust(20)print(x, "is my favorite fruit.")完整
Python 字符串 join() 方法Python 字符串方法实例使用哈希字符作为分隔符,将元组中的所有项目连接到字符串中:myTuple = ("Bill", "Steve", "Elon")x = "#".join(myTuple)prin
Python 字符串 isupper() 方法Python 字符串方法实例检查文本中的所有字符是否都大写:txt = "THIS IS NOW!"x = txt.isupper()print(x)完整实例:txt = "THIS IS NOW!"x = txt.
Python 字符串 istitle() 方法Python 字符串方法实例检查每个单词是否以大写字母开头:txt = "Hello, And Welcome To My World!"x = txt.istitle()print(x)完整实例:txt = "He
Python 字符串 isspace() 方法Python 字符串方法实例检查文本中的所有字符是否都是空格:txt = " "x = txt.isspace()print(x)完整实例:txt = " "x = txt.isspace()print(x